Category: communication
Faire (avec) exhibit in Bagnes
Seen last Saturday: VéloMagnéto by Gerry Oulevay combines a training bike and a (discarded-then-saved) audio player that allows people to listen to a story written by Antoinette Rychner. This piece is part of an exhibit called “Faire (avec)” (“Do (with)”) at Musée de Bagnes in Valais (Switzerland). Gerry is one the participants in our research…
“Declining Technologies” seminar
Nicolas went to the 37th International Workshop organized by NeTWork in the gorgeous abbey of Royaumont (France). The topic this year was “Decommissioning Aging Installations and Declining Technologies” and he gave an overview of the field research we are currently conducting. Given the general theme, Nicolas focused his presentation on the role of amateurs in…
Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2023
We had the occasion to present our research at the 2023 edition of Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel, organized in Beaubourg (Paris) by Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation, Bibliothèque Publique d’information du Centre Pompidou, l’Association Épokhè and NEST. Given the focus on play, Nicolas introduced how lots of re-using practices concerning digital media and electronic…
Anaïs is off to the NO SCHOOL in Nevers to give a presentation about digital repair practices (our previous project). It’s also a great opportunity to visit and conduct observation during this two-week summer school initiated 4 years ago by artists Benjamin Gaulon & Dasha Illina. This alternative school model brings together around forty people…
Producing fanzines as a research tool
“Materializing reflections: the production of Fanzines as a research tool” was the title of a talk given at the annual colloquium of the SSE (Swiss Ethnological Society) on Thursday. I took part of the first panel named “Comics, drawings, photos, films, blogs: Feedback and fair benefit sharing, giving research results back to a broader audience”,…